
wastewater treatment plant







  • 基于人群的感染追踪
  • 匿名合并检测
  • 关于疾病传播的地理信息
  • 可以根据需要从治疗设施进行简单快速的采样,确定社区范围内的发展趋势
metagenomics eBook conver
Precision metagenomics for rapid identification and characterization of pathogens

Download this eBook to learn how precision metagenomics is providing innovative solutions to rapidly detect and characterize pathogens through the power of next-generation sequencing.

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虽然废水监测方法已用于检测制药、化学和工业废物,但目前更为重要的是监测废水,以发现对当地社区有重大影响的抗生素耐药性标志物、细菌和病毒。 RT-PCR和新一代测序作为前沿的监测技术,用于检测公共卫生高风险病原体。请参阅下面的方法比较,了解两种废水测序方法的更多信息。

  • 仅靶向一小部分基因组区域
  • 成本更低
  • 低通量工作流程
  • 无法检测变异
  • 数据更易于解读

  • 靶向并表征全基因组
  • 成本更高
  • 高通量能力
  • 可以检测和识别变异
  • 数据更复杂、更全面

What are some methods for wastewater surveillance?

Wastewater samples usually contain multiple pathogens and microbes,4 as opposed to clinical samples which usually only contain a single pathogen. To analyze pathogens of interest, it is recommended to use amplicon- or enrichment-based NGS library preparation methods. Amplicon-based approaches use primers to specifically target regions of microbes and/or whole genomes of single viruses, while enrichment approaches use probe hybridization to capture genomes of interest. In addition, shotgun metagenomic sequencing provides a comprehensive method to analyze all genes and microbes within a sample.5

icon early amr detection

Amplicon-based approaches use primers to specifically target regions of microbes and/or whole genomes of single viruses. Read how scientists are using amplicon-based methods for wastewater surveillance.

Early detection through wastewater surveillance

Read how wastewater genomic epidemiology can provide an unbiased representation of community-wide infection dynamics and surveillance to help guide public health action and policy decisions.

Identifying SARS-CoV-2 variants in wastewater

Scientists describe how targeted amplicon sequencing of wastewater samples is a powerful surveillance tool and may contribute to the early detection of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants.

icon early amr detection
Hybrid capture enrichment

Hybridization-based enrichment is a useful strategy for analyzing specific genetic variants in a given sample, delivering dependable results across a wide range of input types and quantities. Learn more about how researchers are using hybrid capture enrichment methods for wastewater surveillance.

Monitoring antimicrobial resistance

See how wastewater-based epidemiology can complement more traditional surveillance efforts by providing community-level data to identify current and emerging antimicrobial resistance threats.

Detecting region-specific SARS-CoV-2 variants

Investigators detail how epidemiological surveillance through wastewater sequencing can aid in tracking exact viral strains in an epidemic context.

icon early amr detection
Shotgun metagenomics

Shotgun metagenomic sequencing allows researchers to comprehensively sample all genes in all organisms present in a given complex sample. Shotgun metagenomics also provides a means to study unculturable microorganisms that are otherwise difficult or impossible to analyze. See papers below to understand how shotgun metagenomics is being used for wastewater surveillance.

Using wastewater RNA-Seq to detect emerging and endemic viruses

Scientists use RNA-Seq to simultaneously detect multiple infectious diseases, providing geographical and epidemiological data to help direct healthcare interventions in India.

Metagenomic and resistome analysis

Read how scientists used metagenomic shotgun sequencing and real-time PCR to characterize the composition of bacteria and phage diversity and the resistome of major treatment processes within a wastewater treatment plant.

icon DNA

NGS Workflow Finder

Take the guesswork out of your next workflow. The NGS Workflow Finder provides personalized solution recommendations and resources so you can sequence with confidence.

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Viral Surveillance Panel




Respiratory Pathogen ID/AMR Enrichment Panel Kit


Urinary Pathogen ID/AMR Enrichment Kit


Respiratory Virus Oligo Panel

一种高度灵敏的NGS panel,可通过全面、快速的靶向富集测序对常见的呼吸道病毒(包括COVID-19病毒株)进行检测和表征。

Ribo-Zero Plus Microbiome rRNA Depletion Kit






阅读文章,了解Biobot Analytics如何使用废水数据来预测COVID激增和其他疫情爆发情况。



Viral Surveillance Panel






  1. Wastewater Monitoring—How Does It Work? cdc.gov/nwss/pdf/Wastewater-COVID-infographic-h.pdf. Accessed December 7, 2023.
  2. Science & Tech Spotlight: Wastewater Surveillance. gao.gov/products/gao-22-105841. Accessed December 7, 2023.
  3. Diamond MB, Keshaviah A, Bento AI, et al. Wastewater surveillance of pathogens can inform public health responses. Nature Medicine 2022; 28(10):1992-1995.
  4. Levy JI, Andersen KG, Knight R, et al. Wastewater surveillance for public health. Science 2023 Jan 6;379(6627):26-27.
  5. Wensel CR, Pluznick JL, Salzberg SL, et al. Next-generation sequencing: insights to advance clinical investigations of the microbiome. J Clin Invest. 2022 Apr 1; 132(7): e154944.