TruSight Oncology产品系列



Male scientist is using a single pipette into a tube, blurry images of a NovaSeq X and TruSight Oncology ctDNA v2 Enrichment library prep boxes in the background.


TruSight Oncology产品系列包括用于实体瘤基因组分析的体外诊断(IVD)和临床研究解决方案。通过将多次重复检测整合为一次检测来评估500多个基因中的DNA和RNA*生物标志物,从而获得更多见解。样本可保存于本地,并在您自己的实验室中进行检测,进一步节省时间。

TruSight Oncology Comprehensive IVD解决方案



TruSight Oncology 500临床研究解决方案




Female scientist, front view, holding a single-well pipette in the foreground, close up



* TruSight Oncology 500 ctDNA v2 不包括RNA变异。
† 仅供体外诊断使用。并非在所有地区和国家可用。



  1. Soumerai TE, Donoghue MTA, Bandlamudi C, et al. Clinical utility of prospective molecular characterization in advanced endometrial cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2018;24(23):5939-5947. doi:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-18-0412
  2. Gutierrez ME, Choi K, Lanman RB, et al. Genomic profiling of advanced non-small cell lung cancer in community settings: gaps and opportunities. Clin Lung Cancer. 2017;18(6):651-659. doi:10.1016/j.cllc.2017.04.004
  3. Singal G, Miller PG, Agarwala V, et al. Association of patient characteristics and tumor genomics with clinical outcomes among patients with non-small cell lung cancer using a clinicogenomic database [published correction appears in JAMA. 2020 Feb 4;323(5):480]. JAMA. 2019;321(14):1391-1399. doi:10.1001/jama.2019.3241
  4. Kato S, Kim KH, Lim HJ, et al. Real-world data from a molecular tumor board demonstrates improved outcomes with a precision N-of-One strategy. Nat Commun. 2020;11(1):4965. Published 2020 Oct 2. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18613-3
  5. Rozenblum AB, Ilouze M, Dudnik E, et al. Clinical impact of hybrid capture-based next-generation sequencing on changes in treatment decisions in lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 2017;12(2):258-268. doi:10.1016/j.jtho.2016.10.021
  6. Zehir A, Benayed R, Shah RH, et al. Mutational landscape of metastatic cancer revealed from prospective clinical sequencing of 10,000 patients [published correction appears in Nat Med. 2017 Aug 4;23 (8):1004]. Nat Med. 2017;23(6):703-713. doi:10.1038/nm.4333