事实证明,NGS是一款强大的免疫基因组学研究工具,可以绘制出大量免疫细胞的图谱,这些免疫细胞能够识别看似无限的靶点。1 免疫组库测序让研究人员能够从易患恶性血液病、自身免疫疾病的个体中鉴定出独特的受体变异。2
Investigating individual immune system responses to the SARS-CoV-2 virus can increase our understanding of disease susceptibility and severity. Explore methods for studying immunological responses to the virus and identifying genetic risk factors.
Learn More About Immune Response ProfilingPaul Klenerman (University of Oxford), Shruti Naik (New York University), and Ana Anderson (Harvard Medical School) discuss how NGS data has illuminated understanding of atypical immune cell populations and tissue-specific immune responses.
View WebinarAmpliSeq for Illumina Immune Repertoire Plus, TCR beta Panel: 通过对T细胞受体(TCR)β链的重排进行测序,检测T细胞多样性及克隆扩增。
AmpliSeq for Illumina TCR beta-SR (Short Read) Panel: FFPE兼容panel,可通过对TCR β链重排进行测序来测量肿瘤样本中的T细胞多样性和克隆扩增。
AmpliSeq for Illumina Immune Response Panel: 用于研究395种参与肿瘤—免疫系统相互作用基因的靶向RNA表达panel。
Infinium Immunoarray: 可在单一芯片上评估自身免疫性疾病和免疫功能相关的遗传变异。
在第45集Illumina基因组学播客中,Shalin Naik博士介绍了如何通过单细胞基因组学来了解免疫系统。
NGS can help researchers identify mutations that allow tumors to evade the immune response, as well as neoantigens that can boost T cell-mediated immunity. Learn more about immuno-oncology research.