Illumina offers GeneSeek® Genomic Profiler (GGP) genotyping array products for non-human organisms through a co-agreement with Neogen®.
These specialty whole-genome arrays enable accurate genotyping to understand the impact of genetics in selection, breeding, and managing livestock and model organisms. Find ready-to-use solutions with a variety of densities for porcine, mouse, and equine.
The GGP Porcine array features more than 51,000 SNPs specifically chosen for optimal chromosomal spacing and high minor allele frequency values for use in most commercial breeding lines.
GGP Porcine HD leverages Illumina array technology and porcine base content with GeneSeek custom content for this genome-wide porcine genotyping array, featuring over 70,000 SNPs, for all major porcine breeds.
Customized solutions for non-human organisms.
GGP GIGA-MUGA leverages Illumina array technology and with GeneSeek custom content for this genome-wide mouse genotyping array, featuring over 143,000 SNPs, from 159 inbred lines.
GGP Equine leverages Illumina array technology with GeneSeek custom content for this genome-wide equine genotyping array, featuring over 65,000 SNPs, for all major equine breeds.
GGP Potato leverages Illumina array technology with GeneSeek custom content for this potato genotyping array, consisting of approximately 12,000 SNPs selected by the potato research community.
Productivity gains and heifer selection are driving returns that are resulting in farm efficiency and competitiveness.
Read ArticleFind manuals, protocols, manifest files, and other GGP array documentation.