
Illumina发布NovaSeq S4流动槽和NovaSeq Xp工作流程

2017年10月16日,来自美国圣迭戈的消息——Illumina公司(纳斯达克代码:ILMN)宣布推出NovaSeq S4流动槽、试剂盒和NovaSeq Xp工作流程,适用于其NovaSeq™ 6000系统。流动槽的创新是发掘NovaSeq平台强大功能和灵活性的关键所在,这种新的流动槽和工作流程扩展了该平台的功能,可在广泛的测序方法中实现高强度测序。

The highly anticipated NovaSeq S4 flow cell delivers up to 6TB of output in two days and is ideally  ...

备受期待的NovaSeq S4流动槽在两天内可产出6TB数据,是高强度测序应用的理想选择。(图片来源:美国商业新闻社)

备受期待的NovaSeq S4流动槽在两天内可产出6TB数据,是高强度测序应用的理想选择。如今,用户每次运行最多可对48个人类基因组或384个外显子组进行测序,而所用时间不到48小时。这种创新为大规模的群体计划铺平了道路,让实验室能够以每个样本的最低价格、经济高效地开展人类全基因组测序。

“使用NovaSeq的体验超出了我们原本就很高的预期,”哥伦比亚大学基因组医学研究所的主任David B. Goldstein博士如是说。“我们期望,S4流动槽能进一步加速大规模的基因组研究,从而确定致病基因,并开发新的治疗方案。凭借S4带来的强大功能,我们正计划以一年前无法想象的规模和成本开展基因组研究,而这将对我们的整个研究和临床组合产生深远影响。”

NovaSeq Xp工作流程包含NovaSeq Xp流动槽上样栈及试剂。利用新的设备,用户可将文库直接上样到流动槽的单个通道中,进一步提高系统的灵活性。如今,用户可根据通道来划分样本和项目,从而更加有效地利用流动槽,既可以混合各种文库类型,又可以实施新颖的样本索引方法。

“我们继续践行着路线图,为基因组学市场带来创新产品。S4流动槽,以及我们最近推出的IDT双重特异序列标签(UDI)和新的Nextera DNA Flex文库制备试剂盒,代表我们迈向大规模、高性能的全基因组研究之路上一个重要的里程碑,”Illumina负责产品、运营和战略的执行副总裁Omead Ostadan说。

“我们期待NovaSeq系列继续推动测序走向更高强度的应用、更深的覆盖度,以及更大规模的研究,为实验提供动力。我们相信,S4流动槽的发布将加速这一趋势,”Illumina的产品营销总监Joel Fellis博士说。“S4适用于更大的样本数量,并将实现200倍到300倍的全基因组肿瘤分析等实验。”

NovaSeq S4流动槽现已上市,而NovaSeq Xp工作流程的组件将在年底前发售。更多详情请点击:


Illumina公司通过解码基因组而改善人类健康。我们注重创新,这使我们成为DNA测序和芯片技术的全球领导者,并为科研、临床和应用市场的客户提供服务。我们的产品应用分布在生命科学、肿瘤学、生殖与遗传、农业及其他新兴市场领域。如欲了解更多信息,请访问 或关注@Illumina。

Use of forward-looking statements

This release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements are based on our expectations as of the date of this release and may differ materially from actual future events or results. Among the important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in any forward-looking statements are (i) our ability to further develop and commercialize our instruments and consumables, and to deploy new products such as the S1 and S4 Flow Cells and NovaSeq Xp Workflow, services and applications, and expand the markets for our technology platforms; (ii) our ability to manufacture robust instrumentation and consumables; (iii) our ability to successfully identify and integrate acquired technologies, products or businesses; (iv) the future conduct and growth of the business and the markets in which we operate; and (v) challenges inherent in developing, manufacturing, and launching new products and services, together with other factors detailed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including our most recent filings on Forms 10-K and 10-Q, or in information disclosed in public conference calls, the date and time of which are released beforehand. We undertake no obligation, and do not intend, to update these forward-looking statements, to review or confirm analysts’ expectations, or to provide interim reports or updates on the progress of the current quarter.


Source: Illumina, Inc.

Illumina, Inc.
Jacquie Ross
Investors: 858-882-2172
Jen Carroll
Media: 858-882-6822

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